To create users for Inbound and/or Shop, go to Customers / View [Customer] / Users and click the
Add User button:
Select from an existing (or create) a new Person and then fill in the relevant fields:
For Roles, choose either Inbound or Shop, and then click Save.
The user is now ready to login to Inbound or Shop
NB If you are transitioning from Inbound to Shop, you can allow your user to access both Inbound/Shop, by holding Ctrl on your keyboard whilst clicking Inbound and Shop
If your customer is facing issues resetting their password themselves, you can reset it in Cybake for them.
To reset the password for a user, head to Admin/Users , find the user you want to change the password for and hit the Reset button:
Confirm the username (you can copy and past the username into the Confirm username field)
And confirm their new password:
To remove access for a user, head to Customers / View [Customer] / Users , and hit the trash icon:
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