In this guide we run through the setup involved with the Pricing module in Cybake
For how to use Price Lists, please see the following:
Guide - How to use the Price Lists screen
1. Company Pricing Setup
2. Customer Pricing Settings
3. Customer Discounts
4. Customer Special Prices
5. How Head Office affects pricing
6. Customer Price List Assignment
7. Using Price Lists
Company Pricing Setup
Settings / Pricing
Ensure you have all items below setup before you process any orders in Cybake:
for Cybake users using the Stock and Retail modules
Apply Discount to Special Prices
This will apply a discount to any Special Prices that are setup for the Customer in the
Discount Category Group:
Company Discount Category Group
Head to products/categorygroups to create and configure your Discount Category Group
Guide - Product Groups, Categories & Category Groups
Next head to admin/myCompany/ Categories and select the recently created Category:
Customer Discounts
Restrict Orders to Price List Setting
To template all customers Daily Order screen in Cybake, you can enable Restrict to Price List.
This will allow a head office user to only add products from the customers assigned Price List.
Please contact to discuss further and enable this setting.
Like the Restrict Orders to Price Lists setting, this will apply to all Cybake Shop users that will only see products assigned to their Customer Price List without the need to configure Screen Layouts
Tax Rate Override
This is intended for use with cross border Cybake users, where you are sending goods across the border.
Customer Pricing Settings
Price List
From here you can set the Price List your customer is assigned to.
Please see where else Price Lists can be assigned under Customer Price List Assignment.
Zero Tax Rate
This will set all products bought by this customer to be zero rated for tax purposes, regardless of the tax rate for the product. If this customer is outside your tax region, you need to ensure that their tax registration number is recorded.
Customer Discounts
Category Discounts
Set the amount to discount from the Categories of products that have been assigned
Head to the Customer profile, select Pricing, see Category Discounts then enter the amount you want to discount under Discount Percentage:
Overall Discounts
An Overall Discount can be set an invoice value threshold. Once the threshold is hit, the discount will take effect.
Head to the customer profile, select Pricing, see Overall Discounts then enter the amount you want to discount under Discount Percentage
How multiple Discounts work
If a customer has a Category Discount and an Overall Discount, then the discount starts at the Category Discount on the product line, and will then finish with the Overall Discount on the invoice:
How a Category Discount Looks on an Order Screen
A Category Discount Product will appear as normal on an Order screen in Cybake
Customer Special Prices
To set a Special Price, select +Add Products and continue to setup your Special Price.
Select an End Date if required:
How a Special Price looks on an order
Below we can see how a Special Price has been applied to an Order Line in Cybake.
The text will turn yellow, indicating that the Special Price has been applied:
Daily Order Screen Special Price
Weekly Order Screen Special Price
How Head Office affects pricing
For more on the Head Office Invoice setting, please see Head Office Invoicing
Special Pricing
Customer Price List Assignment
Customer Creation Wizard
Customer Price List
To assign a Price List to an existing Customer, head to Pricing / Customer Price Lists.
Choose you customer and select the Price List from the dropdown then hit Save:
Using Price Lists
When settings have been applied, you are now ready to use the Price List screens
Please see the following:
Guide - How to use the Price Lists screen
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