In this guide we run through the process of Purchasing and how you can use Business Intelligence to analyse the data.
1. Purchasing Setup
2. Purchasing
3. Goods In
4. Invoice Matching
5. Purchase Order Analysis
6. Bakery Stock Analysis
Purchasing Setup
Ingredients and assigning Products to Suppliers
Company Email
Set up your email address you will be sending to suppliers:.
Head to Admin/ My Company / Email under the Purchase Order tab
Fill in all required fields otherwise emails may get sent to your suppliers spam/junk folder:
Supplier Email Address
Go to Customers / Suppliers choose your supplier and in the Addresses tab, add in your suppliers email address with the +Add Contact Method button and defaulting the email.
Extra emails can be added by adding a ; between email addresses
On the main page for Purchasing you can search for Purchase order through date range or by specific details. Click the filter button to expand your search.
To create a purchase order head to Purchasing / New Purchase Order.
Next select the Delivery Date, Supplier, Shop or Site and click +Add purchase order
On the following screen we begin to build the Purchase Order
N.B If the Unit Price is a one off, this will update lower/higher, you have the option to revert this
Attached video demonstrates the usual workflow when adding products.
You can also bulk add products that are assigned to this supplier as a template rather than individually
This way you can work down your list of products and change quantities on the fly.
Once you have finished adding products to your Purchase Order, hit ✔Confirm Purchase Order which gives you the option to email your supplier the details.
You can download a PDF copy of the Purchase Order
Unconfirm Purchase Order
Need to make a change to the Purchase Order? Press unconfirm which will also notify the supplier via email
Goods In
To create a Goods In head to Goods In / Add Goods In.
Next select the Delivery Date, Supplier, Shop or Site and click +Add purchase order
NB A Purchase Order must be Confirmed to be linked to a Goods In
You can also create a Goods In without the need for a Confirmed Purchase Order
As with the Purchase Order screen, you can use the filters to search for any existing Goods In
Check against what has been Delivered and if prices match from the initial Purchase Order
Add D/Note Ref if required
If you change the Unit Price, this will update against the suppliers products in Cybake
You can also add a Note to this order
When you have completed all changes, Confirm goods-in
Unconfirm Goods In
You can Unconfirm Goods In to make a change, then reconfirm before progressing to Invoice Match
Invoice Matching
To create an Invoice Match head to Invoice Matches / + Add Invoice Match
NB You can also Invoice Match without a linked Goods In
On the Invoice Match screen, you can adjust Nominals and Tax
Check against what has been Delivered and Price changes
If needed, you can Delete Invoice Match
Once you have completed the Invoice Match, click Confirm Invoice Match
NB Invoice Match data will concurrently update the supplier price to the latest for a product in Cybake
Purchasing Analysis
With Business Intelligence you can view Purchasing data at a glance
Head to Outputs / Business Intelligence / Purchasing Analysis view the following featured tabs:
Latest Price Overview
Find the last time an ingredient was purchased, at what price, from which suppliers and in which format:
Service Level Report
You can also scrutinise Service Levels from suppliers in terms of what was Ordered, against Delivered:
Purchase Order Analysis query the status and progress of all Purchase Orders to identify if they have been fulfilled and invoiced
Bakery Stock Analysis
N.B This is an additional module. If you would like to know more, please email
Head to Outputs / Business Intelligence /Bakery Stock Analysis
Bakery Ingredient Reconciliation (Despatched Based) gives you a rundown of the amount of ingredients have been used in Despatched Wholesale Orders
Bakery Stock Analysis - 'Used In' Data Validation allows you to see what Recipes/Products use which Ingredients, and vice versa by selecting an Ingredient and seeing which Recipes/Products they go in to
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